We are excited to announce the launch of the English version of the “Koloniale Orte / Colonial Sites” on January 24, 2024! This app, created by the research centre “Hamburg’s (post-)colonial legacy”, offers a unique opportunity to explore Hamburg’s (post-)colonial history in an accessible and engaging way.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM
Venue: Phil B
Co-Organized by the AStA of the University of Hamburg and the research centre “Hamburgs (post-)colonial legacy”
Additional Infomation:
The app “Koloniale Orte / Colonial Sites”, created by the research centre “Hamburgs (post-)colonial legacy”, is now available in English! Explore Hamburg’s colonial history with three curated tours: “Politics, Culture, and Society”, “Economy and Trade”, and “Science and Research”.
With an interactive map, detailed texts, and an optional audio guide, the app offers an alternative city tour featuring c. 30 historical sites that shed light on Hamburg’s role in (post-)colonial globalization.
Dive into this unique journey, based on the acclaimed book “Hamburg: Tor zur Welt. Erinnerungsorte der (post-)kolonialen Globalisierung”, and discover the city’s past in a new way.
Download now and start exploring!
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.unihamburg.kolonialeorte&pli=1