The Research Center ‚Hamburg’s (post-)colonial legacy’ is delighted to announce the recipients of our ‘Global Memories of German Colonialism’-Fellowships funded by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius. An international advisory board has chosen six fascinating artists and researchers, whose projects will provide a multitude of perspectives on the field of Global Memories of Germany’s (post-)colonial entanglements and its role in European Expansion.

Amina Djouldé Christelle
Dr. Amina Djouldé Christelle is a faculty member at the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences of the University of Ngaoundéré-Cameroon. Her research aims to understand the German colonial memory among the Gbaya community through oral tradition, proposed as an innovative analysis of the German colonial domination according to the colonized based on orality as their mechanisms of knowledge production.

Mercia Kandukira
Mercia Kandukira is a PhD student of Creative Nonfiction at SUNY Binghamton (USA) and is working on a manuscript which interweaves personal and cultural history. She uses the Ovaherero/Nama genocide from 1904-1908 as a backdrop to explore the traumatic repercussions of racial violence in modern day Namibia. For her project, Mercia will submit a stand-alone piece which explores her own mother’s references to the genocide and how learning of the genocide has its own traumatic ramifications.

Wilfried Nakeu / Gisela Ewe
Wilfried Nakeu and Gisela Ewe have proposed a binational artistic work about concealed colonial traces in urban space, representing marginalized perspectives and images of memory. Nakeu is a Cameroonian multidisciplinary multimedia artist who has worked in several African and European countries, Ewe is a historian and PhD Student based in Hamburg, Germany. Their installation and video projection will intervene in the ongoing debate on colonial heritage.

Nnenna Onuoha
Nnenna Onuoha is a Ghanaian-Nigerian scholar, artist and filmmaker based in Berlin. She is currently a PhD student in Anthropology with Critical Media Practice at Harvard University. Centering the voices and testimonies of Afrodiasporic people, her written, sound, video and installation works examine the histories and afterlives of colonialism and enslavement across Europe, the USA and West Africa, as does her current project.

Nancy Rushohora
Dr. Nancy Rushohora is a lecturer in the department of archaeology and heritage studies of the University of Dar es Salaam. Her work focusses on the memory of German Colonialism, memorial and memorialization in Tanzania. For this project, she writes an article that highlights the legacy of German colonialism in the contemporary communities of Tanzania.
Congratulations to our winners, and we are looking forward to receiving their contributions and presenting them here on our website.